Archaeological route

LINE A: Hill of the Temples and Early Christian Necropolis, Area of the Temple of Olympian Zeus, Area of the Gymnasium, Sanctuary of the Chthonian gods, Kolymbethra, Temple of Vulcan, Hellenistic-Roman Quarter, Agora and Pietro Griffo Regional Archaeological Museum, Giacatello Hypogeum, Punic Quarter.

LINE B: Doric temple of the 5th century B.C. incorporated in the Church of Santa Maria dei Greci, Hill of the Temples and early Christian necropolis, Area of the Temple of Olympian Zeus, Area of the Gymnasium, Sanctuary of the Chthonian divinities, Kolymbethra, Hellenistic-Roman quarter, Agora and Regional Archaeological Museum P. Griffo, Giacatello Hypogeum, Roman Villa of Realmonte.

The Roman Villa at Realmonte

The maritime villa of Realmonte is located in the centre of the Punta Grande bay, at the mouth of the Cottone stream, a few kilometres west of the commercial port of Agrigentum.
The villa, overlooking the sea, is organised in two main sectors: a residential one, with peristyle-garden, cubicula (bedrooms), tablinum (living-room), triclinium (dining-room), storerooms, and a thermal one, which includes a large dressing room (apodyterium), with walls covered in marble and a mosaic floor with pink and black tiles depicting Scylla, the calidarium, a small heated room, and the frigidarium, with walls covered in marble and a mosaic floor leading to a large circular pool with walls covered in marble. The main phases of the villa date between the 1st and 2nd centuries AD.


Please note that opening hours may vary. For up-to-date information please visit the websites of Valley of the Temples and Kolymbethra Garden 

Openig hours of Archeological Museum Regionale P. Griffo
Daily 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Openig hours of Kolymbethra Garden
July-August-September 10:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (exit at 6:00 p.m.)

Opening hours of the “Valley of the Temples” archaeological area
Entrance from the Temple of Juno – Gate V
Daily: 8:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Opening hours of the archaeological area of the Roman Villa of Realmonte
Monday to Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.


